Saturday, August 24, 2013

New version of IFC Exporter for Revit

I got this email message forwarded from one of my colleagues, BIM superstar, Michael McCune. Basically it was in reference to a new version of the IFC EXporter for Revit. Details are listed below:-
IFC Exporter for Revit 2013 (v2.12):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2013 (v1.12):
IFC Exporter for Revit 2014 (v3.4):
IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit 2014 (v2.4):
What’s new for IFC Exporter for Revit v2.12/v3.4:
General (Revit 2014 UR1 Only):
Added basic support for IFC4 export, corresponding to the Coordination View 2.0 MVD. Please see the Wiki for more details. This requires Revit 2014 Update Release 1 to be installed. Note that currently the ifcXML format for IFC4 is not supported.
  • Minor performance improvement by reducing the number of calls to the IFC export mapping table.
  • This version is the Revit MEP certified version of the exporter. Revit is now certified for all 3 possible export certifications: Architectural, Structural, and MEP.
New Functionality:
  • Add new MEP property sets: Pset_SanitaryTerminalBath, Pset_SanitaryTerminalShower, Pset_SanitaryTerminalSink, Pset_SanitaryTerminalWashBasin.
  • Add support for IfcRelCoversBldgElements for ducts and pipes. - Allow association of property set descriptions to a specific pre-defined type of an entity.
  • Allow exporting foundation and retaining walls as IfcFooting, if set in the IFC export mapping table, or using "IfcExportAs" for the particular wall.
  • Export "SiteLandTitleNumber" and "SiteLongName" shared parameters from Project Information to IfcSite, if they are set.
  • Optionally allow storing the generated IFC GUIDs into the project file after export. This will add "IFC GUID" parameters to elements, their types, and Project Information for Project, Site, and Building GUIDs. This requires version v2.4 of the alternate UI to set the option, and requires a manual save.
  • Read in ParameterMappingTable.txt, which allows users to specify a mapping from Revit properties to IFC common parameter sets. Please see the Wiki on custom parameter mapping for more information. - Special thanks to: Tom Pesman ( and the Dutch Revit User Group ( / for their contribution of this improvement to the Open Source.
Bug Fixes:
  • Add base equipment to the IfcSystem.
  • Correct export of true north for IfcSite.
  • Correct scaling of Voltage values on export.
  • Move more local coordinate systems closer to the entity's geometry.
  • Properly export space containment for equipment.
What’s new for IFC Export Alternate UI for Revit v1.12/v2.4:
New Functionality (Revit 2014 UR1 Only):
  • Added IFC4 Basic Coordination View 2.0 configuration, and IFC4 as a pull-down option for IFC version. This requires Revit 2014 Update Release 1 to be installed.
New Functionality:
  • Optionally allow storing the generated IFC GUIDs into the project file after export. This will add "IFC GUID" parameters to elements, their types, and Project Information for Project, Site, and Building GUIDs. This requires v3.4 of the exporter to add the parameter values, and also requires a manual save.
  • Report which property sets are being exported on a single line in the detail section of the first export screen.

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